Exchange Process



1. Tell us what you want to exchange and share your details.

2. Use the code we’ve emailed you to shop new furniture.

3. We’ll call to confirm a time to pick up your old furniture.

4. We complete the exchange & deliver your new furniture.

24/7 Friendly

Free Shipping
over $60

Secure Online



We believe in Humanity

Providing Essential Assistance When It Matters Most: Our Mission to Help Others.

Humanity refers to caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible. It means helping others at times when they need that help the most. In order to take our first step towards humanity our team has decided to donate all the exchange products to LOOK 4 CHILD NGO & CHILD HELP FOUNDATION INDIA. Lets come together to make this world more beautiful with our small contribution.


1. For Exchange offer to be valid, customer will have to exchange old product of same category. For example- If a customer wants to buy a Bed using Exchange offer then old exchanged product should also be Bed

2. Exchange Value: Any Bed = 5000

3. Exchange Offer coupon code can only be redeemed in full during transaction and no partial redemption is applicable.

4. This voucher is valid for 15 days from the date of issuance.

5. This voucher can be redeemed against billing of 7 times the exchange voucher value on furniture.

6. This voucher cannot be clubbed with any other vouchers/ offers.

7. No cash refund for the voucher value is allowed at any point of time.

8.This voucher is valid against a single bill only.

9. Once any product is given for exchange & coupons issued against the same, the exchange product will not be returned / refunded.

10. If the shopping exceeds the minimum value of 7 times the voucher value (as applicable), the difference via Debit, Credit cards, Netbanking etc on the website & will not be eligible for further discounts.

11. Participation in the exchange program is purely voluntary and not binding on customers; products can be purchased without availing the exchange offer.

12. The new product will be delivered only after handing over the old products to the BedsIndia representative as declared at the time of participating in the scheme.

13. Terms and conditions of this scheme are liable to change without prior notice.

14. Extra delivery charges will be applicable on exchange pickup Delhi - 1500 rupees, Gurgaon - 1000 rupees, Noida & Ghaziabad - 2000 rupees to be added for pickup and logistic service.